A Boon(e) for Stewardship: What America’s Oldest Conservation Club Taught Me About Caring for Nature
Working for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), I have long held deep admiration of and appreciation for America’s conservation heroes, including John Muir, Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, George Bird Grinnell, Gifford Pinchot, Aldo Leopold, and Rachel Carson, to name a few. Their lasting contributions continue to enhance our nation’s scientific understanding of ecosystems and natural processes, management...read more >>
The WOW Factor: We are Washington Outdoor Women!
Eager to build my confidence exploring a new area and learn more technical outdoor skills, I stumbled upon Washington Outdoor Women or WOW, a program of the Washington Wildlife Federation, during my first few months of living in Washington. Founded by Ronni McGlenn in 1998, WOW helps women learn traditional outdoor skills and practices that empower them to develop a deeper connection with nature and the outdoors, and also instills in them a strong conservation ethic...read more >>
Remembering #MyFirstCatch to Connect Anglers of all Abilities with Theirs
The joy of fishing—casting a line and feeling that telltale tug - is one of life’s simple pleasures. Ensuring that everyone gets the chance to experience it, however, can be a bit more complex. The extra effort and coordination, as our staff at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Washington Fish and Wildlife Office and our Puget Sound Olympic...read more >>
Good Meets Goodall, Launches Courageous Conservation Career
I spent my childhood living in, and experiencing, different parts of the country and world. In fourth grade, I recall one particular moment, sitting in a red taxi cab, driving through downtown Hong Kong, China...read more >>
The 147th Annual Meeting for the American Fisheries Society and Tampa Fishing Charters®, Inc. Team Up
We set a course for a couple different points of interest. We definitely wanted to catch plenty of fish for the fish box and also attempt to catch a wide variety...read more >>
#FishLikeAGirl Part 2
Facebook LIVE--Back by popular demand! Molly Good leads us through a live fly fishing casting clinic! Ask her your questions, and learn how to #FishLikeAGirl...read more >>
#FishLikeAGirl Part 1
Facebook LIVE--Ask our female fly fishing expert your angling questions, and learn how to #FishLikeAGirl...read more >>
Helping Evolving Organizations Weather Choppy Waters Ahead
The only guarantee of change is that it will come - a truth that has been acknowledged and embraced by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission. Ph.D. student Molly Good partnered with Bill Taylor to help the organization examine the prospects of change and explore...read more >>
Willi Bear
For ten years I have the honor and privilege to teach an outstanding group of women, the MSU Fly Gals, how to fly fish. In the spaces between learning to fish we talk a lot about conservation and leadership. I am humbled, intimidated and awestruck by the women who participate in the Fly Gals program...
We Appreciate Our Students!
Recently 119 MSU students received Heart and Soul Awards for their time, effort, and personal commitment to community engagement. Five students were nominated by Heather Triezenberg, extension specialist and program coordinator for Michigan Sea Grant Extension. The awards were given by Michigan Campus Compact during National Volunteer Week...read more >>
Honors Abound for CSIS Students
Spring has found CSIS members blooming with honors and opportunities. Ph.D. student Molly Good has been selected as a 2016-2017 FAST (Future Academic Scholars in Teaching) Fellow by the MSU Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning Steering Committee...read more >>
Good Discusses the MSU Fly Gals Program at the Red Cedar Fly Fishers Monthly Meeting
Dr. William Taylor and some members of the MSU Fly Gals will be our program presenters at our April meeting. A few years ago I read an article about the inception on the Fly Gals and found it very interesting. I’m sure you will find this very informative...read more >>
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Videos
Check out the Michigan State University Department of Fisheries and Wildlife website for a list of videos that highlight research and outreach projects by students and faculty...
Good Turns Filmmaker for Legal Seafood
Doctoral student Molly Good premieres her video delivering the message of why it's not only a legal requirement—but a great idea and a pro-conservation act—to get a fishing license before casting that line or net. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is featuring her film...read more >>
Michigan Department of Natural Resources - "Legally Licensed: Conservation Benefits of Buying a Fishing License"
This short video serves as an education and outreach tool intended to inform recreational fishers of the importance and conservation benefits of obtaining a state-issued fishing license prior to participating in the abundance of world-famous...
Good Receives Fly Fishing Fellowship
Doctoral student Molly Good has been awarded the Red Cedar Fly Fishers Graduate Fellowship to assist in her research on the connection between law enforcement and fisheries resource management. The $1,000 scholarship comes from the non-profit organization established...
Tying Up Loose Ends
I am sad to say that my Michigan State University Fenske Fellowship experience has come to a close. Over the last few months, I have been working with my mentors to complete my final report, which details the last two years of my experiences and accomplishments as the 2014-2015 MSU Fenske Fellow...read more >>
Making Freshwater Fish Competitive as the World Changes
Inland fishing--the powerful yet quieter sister to the large, salty marine aquaculture powerhouse--is gaining what experts say is a much-needed visibility boost. At the Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability, members of University Distinguished Professor Bill Taylor's group...
Fisheries Sustainability, Crime, and Enforcement: Whodunnit and How Do We Manage It?
Law enforcement is an often overlooked, undervalued, and underrepresented component of effective management and conservation programs for marine and freshwater fisheries. The keynote presentation in this symposium detailed law enforcement as a critical fisheries management tool...read more >>
Agriculture Forum: Academy Creates a Legacy of Leadership
The Michigan State University College of Agriculture and Natural Resources kin 2004 brought together a diverse group of stakeholders representing communities within the food system, agriculture, manufacturing, natural resource, and environmental sectors of the economy. The result was consensus...
Fisheries, Crime, and Enforcement
The American Fisheries Society is an organization of professional members--students, educators, researchers, and managers--that strive to improve the conservation and sustainability of fishery resources and aquatic ecosystems through the advancement of aquatic and fisheries sciences and...
From the Blake to the Drake
Evidently there are two “Great Lakes” Commissions. One is the Great Lakes Fishery Commission. Did you know about that one? Hehe. The other is the Great Lakes Commission, which promotes the integrated and comprehensive development, use, and conservation of water resources (though they...read more >>
Finding Inspiration
I was eager to give the Law Enforcement Committee members a synopsis of my symposium at the 145th American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting last month. I described the objectives and structure of the symposium in addition to comments and questions generated by the audience. The committee members...read more >>
Friend Us!
Hi readers. We, the MSU Fenske Fellows, have a new Facebook account! Please consider “friending” us at “Msu Fenske Fellows.” There, you will get first access to exclusive updates and blog updates, as well! Happy Facebook-ing!...read more >>
Presenting in Portland
I just came back from the 145th American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon. The meeting was spectacular and I made a lot of progress on my Fenske Fellowship work. On Monday, August 17, 2015, I gave the first presentation in my symposium entitled, “Fisheries Sustainability, Crime, and Enforcement: Whodunnit...read more >>
AFS Film Festival - "Legally Licensed: The Conservation Benefits of Buying a Fishing License"
America’s Fish and Fisheries—Shared through the Camera Lens—a 2015 American Fisheries Society Film Festival showcases films that focus on the connections between people, fish and fisheries, the unique life cycles and habitat needs of different species, and how resource practitioners and ordinary people are helping conserve fish and their habitats...
What Not to Miss at the Annual Meeting (Including the Most Unique Symposium)
We will have 101 symposia, plus the Student Best Papers and Posters Session, and likely 39 contributed sessions and expect nearly 2,150 oral presentations, making this meeting larger than the 2011 American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting held in Seattle, Washington, which was a record breaking meeting with 94...read more >>
The Reel Deal: MSU Women Carry on Fly Fishing Tradition
For the ninth consecutive year, 14 women have traveled to the banks of the famed North Branch of the Au Sable River to engage the dynamic and exhilarating sport of fly fishing. MSU Fly Gals is a program sponsored by members of the Boone and Crockett Club and University Distinguished Professor...read more >>
My Moment
This was a good Great Lakes Fishery Commission Annual Meeting for me. For a couple of reasons…At the Executive Meeting session of the Annual Meeting, I provided some materials for and made a presentation to the Commissioners (eek!) and Secretariat detailing the work that was completed during our GLFC Retreat in April...read more >>
Charter Fishing with the Commission
To kickoff this year’s Great Lakes Fishery Commission's Annual Meeting, I organized a charter fishing trip in Lake Michigan for GLFC Commissioners and Secretariat members. This trip was intended to be a fun outing, but also an opportunity for people to connect and network. Thus, a group of us arrived in Grand Haven...read more >>
Strategizing for "Spotlight"
Lisa Peterson, past Fenske Fellow and current editor of the Michigan State University’s “Spotlight” magazine, requested that I produce a feature article for the 2015 issue highlighting my experience as a Fenske Fellow. "Spotlight" is a professional magazine published annually by the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife’s...read more >>
Molly Wins "Best Video" at the MSU Fisheries and Wildlife Film Festival
Please join us for a Film Festival featuring short films produced by Fisheries and Wildlife graduate seminar students...read more >>
Retreat to Reflect
This week, I helped gather the Commissioners and Secretariat together at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens facility at the University of Michigan to hold a retreat. The objective of this retreat was to continue discussions about the evolution of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission...read more >>
Project Planning
With help from Bob Lambe (GLFC), Dr. Bill Taylor (MSU), and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC), I have designed a half-day symposium on fisheries law enforcement for the 145th American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. The symposium is entitled, “Fisheries Sustainability, Crime...read more >>
Fish Division Hosts Workshop on Invasive Fish Species for Great Lakes Fishery Commission
On March 25, 2015 the Fish Division of the University of Michigan's Museum of Zoology was pleased to host a workshop on identification of invasive fish species for members of the Law Enforcement Committee of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission's...
Bichirs are Bizarre
I drove from East Lansing to Ann Arbor, Michigan this week to attend part the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Lake Committee Meetings for a second time as a Fenske Fellow. If you are interested in reading a fuller description of what goes on during the Lake Committee Meeting, please refer to...read more >>
Dèjà Vu
Well, folks, it is a new year and a new set of BOTE and SLRB meetings. Are they getting old yet, you might ask? You mean the long days, hours upon hours of listening and asking questions and making important decisions? Heck no, I love this stuff. What a difference a year makes. Now, I know everyone in the room by...read more >>
License Fee Change Generated More Funds for Michigan Natural Resources
Michigan got more boots on the ground, waders in the water and eyes in the field thanks to an extra $8 million earned from restructuring sales of hunting and fishing licenses. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources did away with restricted species fishing licenses and instead began offering all-species...read more >>
Global Conference on Inland Fisheries
From January 26th to January 28th, a conference took place in Rome, Italy as part of a historic collaboration between Michigan State University and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. The conference was one of the first of its scale to look exclusively at inland freshwater fisheries...
Impacts of Law Enforcement on Inland Fisheries Sustainability
Inland fish and fisheries are valuable resources. Ecologically, they maintain significant roles in the functioning of freshwater aquatic ecosystems. Socially, they provide human consumers with a valuable nutrient source and sustain commercial, recreational, and artisanal fisheries and allied industries...
Bringing Freshwater Fish to the Global Table
Michigan State University partnered with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome to bring 212 people from 45 countries to discuss ways to make fish a competitive part of global development, from the Great Lakes that surround Michigan to the Amazon and Vietnam’s...
Environmental Science and Public Policy Annual Report
The Environmental Science and Policy Program began in 2003 as an umbrella organization for environmental science and policy research and graduate education at Michigan State University. Since its inception, ESPP has offered graduate education programs that are innovative, interdisciplinary and campus...
Executive Status
My Fenske Fellow status snagged me an invitation to the exclusive, ultra-private, top-secret Great Lakes Fishery Commission’s Interim Meeting, usually held in December of every year. Actually, this meeting is not that top-secret, but it is private, for it is a time when the Commissioners and Secretariat come together...read more >>
We Like, We Like to Party
Look familiar? Yes! More SLRB. This meeting though, is a bit different from the winter SLRB meeting. For instance, there are zero presentations during the fall meeting. Instead, SLRB uses this meeting to discuss the peer reviews of full proposals and make decisions about which research projects should be more likely to...read more >>
The In-Crowd
The Law Enforcement Committee holds its own Annual Meeting in the fall--getting lost yet? Kevin Ramsey (Law Enforcement Specialist) invited me to attend this meeting. He also asked that I prepare a brief presentation to serve as an introduction and explanation of my research interests. I approached the development of this...read more >>
Congratulations to Molly J. Good, the new Fenske Fellow for the 2014-2015 academic year. Molly is a Ph.D. student in the Department at Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University. As a Fenske Fellow, she will be working with her graduate advisor, Dr. Bill Taylor, and Bob Lambe...read more >>
Fenske Friends
Each year, at the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, past Fenske Fellows come together with the Fenske Committee for a get-together, whether it is a breakfast or luncheon. This is a great way for the Fenske Fellows to get to know each other and learn about each other’s research and past Fenske projects...read more >>
Women Cast into Fly Fishing
For the eighth year, 12 women have taken to the northern Michigan river the second week of June to take a nip of what has been documented to be highly addictive. Fly fishing. MSU Fly Gals (1, 2) is a program underwritten by the Boone and Crockett Club to foster a love, understanding...
Progress at the Palmer House
Each summer, the Great Lakes Fishery Commission holds its Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting is probably the highlight of the GLFC meeting schedule because it showcases the successes and progress the GLFC has made over the past year. Thus, the Annual Meeting is full of back-to-back...read more >>
Law and Order and Fish
From Tuesday, March 25 through Thursday, March 26, I attended the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Lake Committee Meetings in Windsor, Ontario. The Lake Committee Meetings primarily serve as a forum for fishery management agencies to come together and assess the state of fish communities, discuss Great Lakes issues...read more >>
Fenske "Firsts"
If you had asked me, Molly Good, how I was feeling on Monday, March 3, 2014 I would have said, “underprepared and very-- actually, no--extremely nervous.” Monday, March 3, 2014 was the day before my first encounter with the Great Lakes Fishery Commission and set of GLFC meetings...read more >>
Janice Lee Fenske Excellence in Fisheries Management Fellowship
Molly Good, a CSIS doctoral student, will be paired with a Great Lakes Fishery Commission executive to learn fisheries management in the Great Lakes Basin with the help the Janice Lee Fenske Excellence in Fisheries Management Fellowship. She was awarded the one-year fellowship, which along with Michigan State University provides $5,000...read more >>
Molly J. Good, Ph.D.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Washington Fish and Wildlife Office Lacey, Washington [email protected] (564) 669-1923 (work cell) |