Selected Presentations
Good, M.J., J. Duda, C. Torgersen, S. Brenkman, K. Sutton, and R. Peters. Influence of Dam Removal in the Elwha River: The Revival of Bull Trout after the Largest Dam Removal in United States History. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Aug 2022.
Good, M.J., E. Britton-Kuttel, and S. Caromile. A Framework for Bull Trout Recovery in Washington. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Aug 2022.
Good, M.J., Taylor, W.W., Martin, J., and S. Faverman. Relationships: The “Game-Changer” for increasing your leadership potential and achieving success. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. September 2020.
Good, M.J. Leveraging federal resources to conserve fish and wildlife in the Columbia and Snake Rivers through the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. September 2020.
Good, M.J. Columbia River System Operations: A creative approach to using the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act. Oral Presentation. Federal Activities and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Training: Shepherdstown, West Virginia. March 2020.
Good, M.J. and W.W. Taylor. A study of fisheries law enforcement in the Great Lakes basin: Status update. Oral Presentation. Great Lakes Fishery Commission Law Enforcement Committee Meeting: Ypsilanti, Michigan. March 2019.
Taylor, W.W., Good, M.J., Carlson, A.K., Scholze, T., Triezenberg, H., and R. Lambe. The changing face of fisheries in the Great Lakes. Oral Presentation. International Association of Great Lakes Research Annual Meeting: Toronto, Ontario, Canada. July 2018.
Good, M.J. and W.W. Taylor. The efficacy of a joint approach to fisheries law enforcement in the Great Lakes basin. Oral Presentation. Great Lakes Fishery Commission Law Enforcement Committee Meeting: Toronto, Ontario, Canada. March, 2018.
Taylor, W.W., Good, M.J., Carlson, A.K., Scholze, T., Triezenberg, H.A., and R. Lambe. The changing face of Great Lakes fisheries and its ecological and socio-economic consequences. Oral Presentation. World Recreational Fishing Conference: Victoria, Canada. July 2017.
Good, M. J. and W.W. Taylor. The efficacy of a joint approach to fisheries law enforcement in the Great Lakes basin. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting: Tampa, Florida. August, 2017.
Good, M. J. and H. Campa, III. Pedagogical effects on student learning and satisfaction in an introductory fisheries and wildlife course. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting: Tampa, Florida. August, 2017.
Taylor, W.W., Good, M.J., Carlson, A.K., Scholze, T., Triezenberg, H.A., and B. Lambe. The changing face of Great Lakes fisheries and its ecological and socio-economic consequences. Oral Presentation. World Recreational Fishing Conference: Victoria, Canada. July 2017.
Good, M.J. and H. Campa, III. Pedagogical effects on student learning and satisfaction in an introductory fisheries and wildlife course. Oral Presentation. FAST Fellowship Symposium: East Lansing, Michigan. May 2017.
Good, M.J. Understanding the role of law enforcement and impacts on fisheries: A web-based questionnaire for Great Lakes law enforcement officers. Oral Presentation. Great Lakes Fishery Commission Law Enforcement Committee Meeting: Bolingbrook, Illinois. September 2016.
Good, M.J. and W.W. Taylor. Reelin' in the years of the Michigan State University Fly Gals. Oral Presentation. Red Cedar Fly Fishers Monthly Meeting: East Lansing, Michigan. April 2016.
Good, M.J. The role and perceived effectiveness of law enforcement in the multi-jurisdictional management of Great Lakes fisheries. Oral Presentation. Great Lakes Fishery Commission Law Enforcement Committee Meeting: Milwaukee, Wisconsin. March 2016.
Good, M.J., Taylor, W.W., and R. Lambe. The Fenske Fellowship: challenges and opportunities for effective law enforcement in multi-jurisdictional fisheries management. Oral Presentation. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Graduate Student Organization Research Symposium: East Lansing, Michigan. February 2016.
Good, M.J. Conservation Criminology Lab: Molly J. Good. Oral Presentation. Conservation Criminology Brown Bag Seminar: East Lansing, Michigan. December 2015.
Good, M.J., Taylor, W.W., and E. McGarrell. Law enforcement: a critical management tool for ensuring fisheries sustainability. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting: Portland, Oregon. August 2015.
Good, M.J. and J. Beck. Exploring the "horizon:" clarifications and additions to the Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries. Oral Presentation. Great Lakes Fishery Commission Annual Meeting: Grand Rapids, Michigan. June 2015.
Good, M.J., Taylor, W.W., Ramsey, K., and C. Goddard. The effects of law enforcement on inland fisheries sustainability. Poster Presentation. Global Conference on Inland Fisheries: Rome, Italy. January 2015.
Good, M. J. Fenske Fellowship: Enforcement and inland fisheries sustainability. Oral Presentation. Great Lakes Fishery Commission Law Enforcement Annual Meeting: Sandusky, Ohio. September 2014.
Good, M.J., Taylor, W.W., and E. McGarrell. Impacts of enforcement on inland fisheries sustainability. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting: Québec City, Québec, Canada. August 2014.
Good, M.J., Klinger, T., and C.A. Simenstad. Utilization of a decision-support tool for the restoration of Chinook salmon in the Columbia River. Oral Presentation. Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability Seminar. Michigan State University: East Lansing, Michigan. November 2013.
Good, M.J., Klinger, T., and C.A. Simenstad. Utilization of a decision-support tool for the restoration of Chinook salmon in the Columbia River. Oral Presentation. Master's Defense. University of Washington: Seattle, Washington. July 2013.
Good, M.J., Goulette G., and J.F. Kocik. An analysis of reversals and migratory movements of Atlantic Salmon smolts in the Penobscot River Estuary. Oral Presentation. Bradford E. Brown Symposium. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Woods Hole, Massachusetts. August 2011.
All presentations can be made available upon request
Molly J. Good, Ph.D.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Washington Fish and Wildlife Office Lacey, Washington [email protected] (564) 669-1923 (work cell) |